• 36.2806
  • 38.0115
  • 45.8362

River & Waterfalls

Price: £ 40

Our journey for the River and Waterfalls begins with driving through the scenic route through the Amber Forest..These Anatolian Sweetgum trees are endemic plants that are protected by the Forest  of Ministry.A great day out that will combine driving through cool shallow river, walking in the forest and scrumptıous lunch in Waterfall  restaurant in Yuvarlakçay, which allows you to relax and coll yourself ın the refreshing waters after your lunch.


We head through the rustıque vıllages to get to the area of Yuvarlakçay. First part of our journey ıs a scenic trek through the gorge where waterproof footware is highly recommended as it will get wet.The path we ll take will be somewhat slippery and difficult at times.We will then walk through the channels of water and gently drift back in laid back Turkish style through the water.Here will have a lay down and cool off and head to one of the best restaurants in Yuvarlakçay for lunch.There will be selectıon of mezes for starters, followed by a choise of fresh Trout, meatballs, chicken cassarole and vegetarean  maincourse.The food ıs amazing and scenary is something to remember.


Straight after lunch we had to Toparlar Waterfall. The walk to mesmerising Eden will take apx 15-30 minutes ,depending on fitness and age group.You will cross the stream in two occasıons.This short walk is not suitable fort he with mobility issues.Make sure to wear approprite footwear, as the terraın is slippery and rocky.After the walk, rewarding swim in the refreshing cool waters awaits in the cyrstal clear waters..If you feel brave enough you may even try to jump on ıt from the clıff yourself.We will then had back downhill and walk backto our minibus and drive back to Dalyan.

What is included : Transportation, insurance, Lunch,entrance fee
You need to bring : Sunglasses – Suncream – Towel – Camera – Swimwear,(it is a good idea to wear swimwear underneath your clothes) We recommend bringing a plastic bag to store your high value items.
Pick up time :
Duration : 7 hours.

Price: £ 40

Reservation Form
